Friday, August 28, 2015

3D realistic goldfish painting by Riusuke Fukahori

3D realistic goldfish painting by Riusuke Fukahori was publish at 8:17 AM, Friday, August 28, 2015, arts and crafts ideas projects and easy origami for you kids is a blog featuring all the works that ever existed and were made by the creator, This arts and crafts ideas projects blog is just to inform they are very unique and inspiring considering the results of this form of art and crafts using materials easily found in around us and deserve to practiced and taught to children to stimulate their creativity.

3D realistic goldfish painting by Riusuke Fukahori

Riusuke Fukahori, a Japanese talented artist create an incredible 3D realistic goldfish painting using an acrylic layered over clear resin which is poured into containers.  He paint the fish layer by layer, with sandwiched slices revealing slight more about each creature. Fukahori's exhibition called  " Goldfish salvation " is lifelike vitality paintings.

3D realistic goldfish painting by Riusuke Fukahori
3D realistic goldfish painting by Riusuke Fukahori

3D realistic goldfish painting by Riusuke Fukahori

3D realistic goldfish paintings by Riusuke Fukahori